The Wilderness Between
Gather 'Round
The Wilderness Between hosts several regular gatherings for the
DC/MD/VA pagan community, in addition to a variety of hikes, workshops, and rituals.
Check our Meetup page for a complete list of events.
Yule Sunrise Hike
Imbolc Hike
Ostara Ritual
Beltane Park Cleanup

Every year around the solstice, we gather at a local park and hike to the top of a ridgeline to greet the sunrise
Though it may still be February, cycle of the year is turning towards spring. Our hike and meditation is held at a local DC/VA park.
We join our fellow pagan communities to celebrate the Spring Equinox.
A newer event for us, we give back to the parks that have hosted us by doing a cleanup and ritual.
Litha Goods and Gear Swap
Lughnasadh Cookout
Mabon Camping Trip
Book Clubs and Discussion Groups

The event is a great place to find new homes for old treasures. We also perform the AODA Solar Land Healing Ceremony.
For one of our most well-loved events, we hang out in the swimming holes and streams at Elizabeth Furnace and share food and drink.
We celebrate the Autumn Equinox with a camping weekend at Prince William Forest Park.
The group hosts regular online discussion groups and book clubs. Specific dates and topics are posted on Meetup
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