Blessing of balance and changing light to you!
For the last few years, we have offered a Wide Range ritual during our Autumn Equinox/Mabon event with our friends from Firefly House. This is usually a large, longer ritual involving multiple characters and locations. Due to the ongoing pandemic and our desire to keep everyone as safe as possible, we have to cancel what would be our regularly scheduled weekend of camping.
That doesn't mean we need to cancel the Wide Range! We just had to get more creative.
This year, instead of a Wide Range where we ask you to move through one ritual area, we are inviting you to help us build an EXTRA WIIIDE ritual area - all across our local area! - or where ever you may be!
You’re invited to visit a natural altar space set up in a local park and/or create a space of your own. We created a shared map to post the altars so we can visit at our convenience.
We also created an audio meditation for the ritual itself. In this meditation, you will encounter our Wide Range characters and at one point be asked to make a commitment to concrete action to carry the work of peace forward.
You can use and share this meditation with others and in whatever way you choose - use it while at one of the park altars, while at home, or use a meditation or ritual of your own. The choice is yours.
In order to give you a little more detailed information, a compendium with the links, event details, suggested actions in the love of justice, a help guide for adding to the map, and all the attribution information for works used in the meditation.
May you find stillness, wisdom, peace, and courage this season.
The Stewards of san Fhàsach
Link Repeats
Google Map of Altar Spaces: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1aVBs1CfBTt_VmDCqk5wz0McIbyAHdmVc&usp=sharing
Audio Meditation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C_xELZPsgxxu6DWcibX1TPS6iDuRByHF/view?usp=sharing
Audio Meditation Attribution Information
The audio version of the meditation/ritual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The recording includes portions of the following works by Dee Yan-Key, which included portions of the following songs from Dee Yan-Key, also available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
Moine. “Cailleach ‘s Coille/ An Old Woman and the Woods.” 2020. san Fhàsach. Asynchronous Wide Range - Extra Wiiide Range - Autumnal Equinox 2020.
Merwin, W.S. “To the Light of September.” 2003. Poetry Foundation, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/41947/to-the-light-of-september. Accessed 15 Sep
tember, 2020.
Mueller, Lisa. “A Prayer for Rain.” 2012. Poetry Foundation, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/55309/a-prayer-for-rain-56d236c278dd0. Accessed 15 September, 2020.
Shelley, Percy Bsshe. “Ozymandias.” 1818. Poetry Foundation, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46565/ozymandias. Accessed 15 September, 2020.
The Prayer of the Open Circle is an adaptation developed by the Stewards of san Fhàsach.*
The Druid’s Prayer is a common version of the prayer used in many Druid organizations.
*John Muir did not share our reverence for inclusion. We continue to offer the prayer adapted from his words as opposition to his racism and in affirmation that the beauty and sacredness of nature is available to all who seek it.